About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News COFAM   Blockchain Italia will contribute its expertise to the development of a secure and innovative platform. First, analyzing blockchain solutions and defining the...
Hub of Brands

Hub of Brands

About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News Hub of Brands   The collaborative marketing model that offers companies a flexible and tailored response to every need is revolutionized with the implementation of...


About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News CNEBIFIR   The signed partnership has allowed all members of each office and body that is part of the network to be involved in a training course in the blockchain...


About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News Auditel   Blockchain Italia gave Auditel all the instruments they needed to notarize television ratings’ raw data on the Ethereum and Algorand blockchains. Need...


About Us News Contact Us Services        Portfolio Services Portfolio Contact Us About Us News BNL   Blockchain Italia is currently involved in the development of PoC with the collaboration of BNL and BNP Paribas, built to sign documents remotely. Need BNL...